Commission Guiding Documents

  • This page contains links to our guiding documents.  To help you with your exploration, here are some things to keep in mind.

    Our Executive Order.  We are governed by an executive order GOVERNOR’S EXECUTIVE ORDER (2018-2023) issued by Gov. Brown in 2018.  We have asked for changes to our executive order.

    Our LONG TERM VISION and STRATEGIC PLAN are long!  That is because we have heard from families and self-advocates about their challenges in many areas of their lives.  We know we can’t work on everything at once, but these documents help identify the full range of needs at this point in time.

    Our Long-Term Vision and Strategic Plan contain projects that may not seem important but are necessary to get to goals that are.  There are a host of invisible barriers that make needed change hard, especially when the change involves getting separate agencies and organizations to share information and coordinate services. 

    Give us your feedback.  The Long-Term Vision and the Strategic Plan are works in progress.  Let us know if we’ve missed something that is important to you. If you object to anything in these documents let us know and tell us why.  Email us at

    We’re learning as we go.  Everyone involved with the Commission is learning: about autism, about the autism community, about the organizations and people who provide services, about the laws and regulations governing how services are delivered, about how to make change.  Some of the things we’ve tried haven’t work as well as we thought they would.   Others have.  We learn from both.


    Other Documents Pertaining to the Commission: