(Rev. 11/21/2022 JB)


    A lot of work needs to be done to realize all of the goals outlined in OCASD's Long-Term Vision.  Our work is done primarily through our collaborative subcommittees and work groups.  The Commission has developed a set of priorities to recruit for and organize now.  These are mainly offshoots of work we have done in the past that requires the 360° view that OCASD’s diverse membership can provide.  We will launch additional subcommittees as we are able and as we have interested participants to join them.

    Current Subcommittees 

    The current priority projects are divided into five subcommittees: (1) Professional Learning; (2) Navigating Life with Autism; (3) Screening, Identification, and Assessment; (4) Individual Interventions, Supports and Strategies for ASD; and (5) Social Services and Adult Supports. 
    One or more projects is listed under each subcommittee.  

    Future Subcommittees: 

    The Commission would like to establish subcommittees on education and health care to address issues specific to each system. If you are interested potentially joining either of these, please contact staff@orcommissionasd.org for more information. Click on the links below to see the topics each subcommittee might address.

    (1) Professional Learning

    (2) Navigating Life with Autism

    (3) Screening, Identification, and Assessment

    (4) Individualized Interventions Supports & Strategies for ASD

    (5) Social Services & Adult Supports

    Subcommittee Membership.  Next to each subcommittee we created a list of suggested types of members by experience and profession.  These lists are not exclusive.  If you do not think you are on the list but still have an interest in participating, please feel free to apply.  To apply to become a subcommittee chair or member, click here.

    Potential Future Subcommittees  

    We had hoped to stand up new subcommittees on health care and education to replace the ones that had become inactive, but to date we have not received enough interest from professionals in these areas.  The description of these subcommittees follows:  we know that educators and health care professionals have been severely stressed by the pandemic and hope they will join us as they have the bandwidth to do so.

    (6) Education

    (7) Data Work Group

    The Long-Term Vision includes many goals that will become the focus of future subcommittees and work groups.  The order in which these goals will be addressed will depend on a number of factors.  These include, among other things:  the Commission’s resources, the level of interest expressed by those in the broader autism community, the degree to which an organization representing many stakeholders is required, the political environment, and the logical sequencing of tasks so that foundational work is underway or completed before other tasks depending on them are begun.  Perhaps the most important factor, however, is the existence of people who are highly motivated to solve a problem and are willing to persuade others to join with them in a collaborative process over time.