• Professional Learning Subcommittee 


    The focus of this project is to ensure that professionals, autistic self-advocates, and families with autistic children have sufficient knowledge of human behavior basics to understand the issues experienced by autistic individuals and help them develop to their maximum potential.  

    Phase 1: Develop a list of curriculum elements regarding human behavior basics for professionals and family members as stated in the Long-Term Vision and the Strategic Plan.

    Long-Term Vision

    2021-2024 Strategic Plan

    Phase 2:  Identify gaps in current Oregon training programs.  Determine how to promote adoption of curriculum elements.  Identify barriers to implementation of desired training.  Develop strategies to overcome barriers. 

    Why This Is Needed:  Current research has shown that human behavior in general and autism specifically are very complex.  Some professionals are familiar with this research, but most are not.  Almost all autistic individuals have one or more other physical or mental health conditions as well.  In order to best support autistic individuals, those who care for and provide services for them need to tailor services and supports to the unique needs of the individual.  This requires some understanding of human behavior basics.

    Suggested Members for Phase 1a (training for those with a background in science):  Academics and practicing professionals from the fields of neuroscience and psychology (developmental and adult); professionals practicing in speech language pathology, medicine, nursing, and occupational therapy; family members and autistic adults who possess a background in science.

    Suggested Members for Phase 1b (training for those with a background in other subjects):  Family members, autistic adults, professionals with other backgrounds. 

    ASD TRAINING.  The focus of this project is to ensure that families, autistic individuals and professionals have sufficient understanding of autism specifically.  The subcommittee will review existing training materials designed to introduce professionals to ASD and determine whether they meet the requirements stated in the Long-Term Vision and the Strategic Plan.  Develop guidelines for training materials and curriculum elements to fill in gaps.  Determine how to promote implementation of guidelines and adoption of curriculum elements.  

    Long-Term Vision

    2021-2024 Strategic Plan

    Why This Is Needed.  There are many organizations that offer ASD training, but these trainings differ widely in their scope and quality, including the degree to which they incorporate current scientific research and the experiences of autistic individuals and their families. 

    Suggested Members:  ASD specialists and consultants (education), health professionals specifically trained in ASD and regularly serving individuals with ASD, autistic adults, family members.